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Writing Portfolio

The stories that are being showcased on this webpage are from two separate pieces of work.
The pieces from "Bad Liver and a Broken Heart" stand alone as short stories, but are actually chapters of a complete book. If you keep reading, after a time you can see the connection, and the continuation of the narrative.
"Comfort and Joy" is a Christmas Trilogy in process. The two stories here are the opening chapters of the first and second parts.
Alongside this, the blog describes the thought processes behind each story. The accompanying artworks are original pieces. Thank you to the artists who agreed to let their work be used on this page.

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Sample Chapters from
Broken Liver and a Bad Heart.

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My friend Caroline recently remarked that I have two great interests in life; books and men. That was an accurate observation.


His days were spent watching. With the disability pension, he didn't need to work, and there wasn't much he could do anyway.


Some time in the middle of the night, I accepted that sleep wasn’t coming.

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It had been a mistake to come to the party, I decided, and tried to leave.

Audio Stories


Spoken word by Megan Hadgraft, soundscape by Claudia Relota and artwork by Nikita Klimov

Sample Chapters from Comfort and Joy

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As the plane pitched and lurched I fought the urge to vomit. Not a chance of getting any sleep on the plane. 

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My mother died in a house fire on Christmas Day when I was a teenager, so it’s fair to say that Christmas is a difficult time for me.

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